We thank you Lord Jesus for your life of which we are reminded in this season.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your love which has marked our souls and sealed our hearts.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your benevolence which has supplied our every need and want.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your charity, so great that you gave even yourself.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your tenderness, for you have heard your people's cry.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your affection for us; it was because of this that you did leave your throne.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your mystery; that you were
conceived of the Holy Spirit by you blessed mother, Mary.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your humility; so great that you emptied yourself of omnipotence and power to be born a man.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your lowliness; that you were born in manger, attended by shepherds.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your meekness; that you grew into manhood in wisdom and favor with both God, your true Father, and man.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your glory, which was revealed unto us at you

r baptism.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your wisdom, which was displayed to us in your teaching.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your prophecy, which called a corrupt and sinful world to repentance.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your healing touch, which opened the eyes of the blind, caused the lame to walk, and soothed the sores of the lepers.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your word,
committed to record by your disciples and the followers of your disciples.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your temptation, which displayed unto us the power of the Spirit over the enemy and his sirens.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your vision, which saw ahead the road to Calvary, yet did not waver or quake.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your redemption, which was everywhere left in your wake.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your touch; the woman at the well, the leper, the harlot, the tax collector, and the thief knew it well.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your breath; inhaled and exhaled among us.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your teaching stamped upon our minds and souls.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your passion, from which you prayed in the garden for your disciples and we who would yet
believe because of their witness.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your conviction that no sword be raised in your defense.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your exploitation. An mock trial and miscarried justice declared your guilt in error.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your humiliation. That cross, those scars, the pain of the spear: these were ours to bear.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your suffering, which redeemed suffering for all mankind.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your sacred frame, wounded and crushed to atone for the sin of Adam and of each man and woman.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your death, which broke the bonds of the tyranny of sin.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your sleep in the tomb, for you would turn a
sepulchre of sorrow into a vessel of victory.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your descent, to the lowest you descended and preached your gospel, that none might be beyond the grace of your Father.
And We thank you Lord Jesus for he who did beget you and who did raise you from the dead in power.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your
Resurrection, which speaks of the hope of all mankind.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your life, because you do live!
We thank you Lord Jesus for your ascension; that we may anticipate your return.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your majesty in which you now reign.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your holiness which is your robe and mantle.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your righteousness which shines forth to light the hearts of men.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your salvation; atoning, sanctifying, delivering, and emancipating.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your Kingdom which shall never end.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your peace which has been imparted to our hearts.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your promise that you will return on that glad day from the eastern sky to the trumpets' blast.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your governance which is without error.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your reign which will be in the New Jerusalem.
We thank you Lord Jesus for your covenant that we too shall join you in the streets of that city.
We thank you Lord Jesus and on that day we shall proclaim, "Worthy is the Lamb!"
To you, oh Lord, be all glory, honor, and praise for ever and ever.
May our entire being be bound unto your will, wed unto your heart, conformed unto your image, transformed into your new creation, sanctified unto your way, submitted to your plan, and enslaved unto your service.
We thank you Lord Jesus for you will hear our prayer. Amen.